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Community Policing

Community policing is often a misunderstood concept. Community policing is not a program, but a value system that infuses all aspects of the work of a police department. The Community Relations Bureau assists in ensuring that the foundation of the three pillars of community policing of partnership, prevention, and problem-solving are implemented in its crime-reduction strategies.

Crime reduction strategies must be focused on the twin pillars of prevention and partnership with the community. Investments in children, families and neighborhoods impact crime and violence, and community partnerships are essential to doing this work and are critical to continuing to build up trust between our officers and the residents they serve.

Officers play vital roles in the community by patrolling from neighborhood substations, attending community meetings, serving on neighborhood boards and committees, and creating and implementing police-led initiatives. Working with the community has helped to increase trust, respect, transparency, and creative approaches to solving difficult neighborhood problems.

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